Wrightmoore families have exciting news regarding their local schools! Fort Meade Schools are now offering an expanded STEM and cyber education program for students. Thanks to grants provided by the Department of Defense Education Activity and Anne Arundel Lottery Facility Local Development Council, students are now able to have better education surrounding cyber training and with better equipment. We’re very excited that this expansion is available for our Wrightmoore families. At Sturbridge, we believe that having access to some of the best educational resources is key to making a great community.
Department of Defense Education Activity
This great organization gave schools a $1 million grant to expand local schools’ computer science and cyber training programs. Students will also be greeted with restructured math classes that expand the course and go more in depth with each subject. They will also have access to new extra curricular STEM activities for those who have a deeper interest in the subject. These efforts will bring more interest around computer science in the school system. A nice bonus from this grant is that it will also bring system professionals into the classroom to encourage students to go into this field and explain what life is like in the industry.
Anne Arundel Lottery Facility Local Department Council
The Anne Arundel Lottery Facility Local Department Council gave locals a great gift when they gave a $381,000 grant to Fort Meade Highschool. This grant is contributing to new servers and computers for students to use for STEM and computer science activities. Not only are they getting new equipment but there will also be AP classes and classes for certifications in computer science and security.
Here at Sturbridge, we are so excited for our Wrightmoore residents to have access to these great new features for their kids in Fort Meade Schools. Expanding education and having better resources are just some of the reasons why Wrightmoore is a great place to live for our family home owners. What are some of your requirements when picking out a home for your family? Good schools? Close community? Let us know on social!
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