Santa Claus is Coming to Anne Arundel County

Santa Claus is Coming to Anne Arundel County

Santa is a pretty busy fella this time year and time is running out before he’ll hop in his sleigh and head back to the North Pole.

If visiting St. Nick is still on your holiday “Must Do List”, here’s a quick run down of spots you can find him in Anne Arundel and St Mary’s counties.

Santa Sightings in Anne Arundel County

Santa’s Soaring Adventure
December 16th, 2017
Sessions at 9:30am, 11am, 12:30pm & 2pm.
Terrapin Adventures – Savage, MD

Children ages 5-10 are welcome to join Santa and his elves for photos, stocking decorations, holiday music, refreshments and more. 

Captain Santa’s Workshop
December 21, 2017
Annapolis Maritime Museum

Make sure to register in advance so little ones can create eco-crafts and gifts, string bird feed garland, create upcycled jingle bells and make their own candles. $15 reservations guarantees a spot, warm cocoa and a holiday popcorn bar.

Santa’s Wonderland
Through December 24, 2017
Bass Pro Shop

Crafts, games, interactive displays, photos with Santa and more. Free. Check website for times.

Santa at the Mall
Through December 24, 2017
Mall in Columbia

Photos with Santa at Nordstrom Court in Columbia Mall.

Santa at Arundel Mills
Through December 24, 2017
Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover.

Get Photos with Santa and grab a bite to eat at Arundel Mills food court.

Santa Sightings in St Marys County

Santa’s Village at Wildewood Shopping Center
December 16, 2017
California, MD

Free pictures with Santa Claus, activities for the family to enjoy while you wait for your picture sitting, and plenty of chances to win awesome prizes in our raffle! There will also be food and drinks to keep you warm while you and your family enjoy all that Santa’s Village has to offer.

Santa & Mrs Claus on the Square
December 16, 2017
Leonardtown, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Claus will be making a special visit to Leonardtown from 11AM-1PM. Don’t forget your holiday wish list and your camera to take pictures with everyone’s favorite couple from the North Pole.

Flat Iron Farm Christmas Village
Through December 31, 2017
Great Mills, MD

Visitors are invited to admire the holiday lights display, tour the Christmas Village, take a Pony Ride and have their picture taken with Santa.